Corn Field Sunset
I Think the Trees Are Starting to Take Her
The Spoons - Alliston, ON 2013
Camp Sunset
Breakfast at Nan's
Ra McGuire of Trooper - Alliston 2013
Scott Brown, Trooper - Alliston 2013
Michelle Wright at the Gib
Evan Studies for Exams
1951 Mercury Custom
Hawksley Workman
Songwriter Showcase
Gord Downie 02
Back Lit Oil Lamp
Spruce Bud 3
Coffee at Nan's
Trail view outside my room
Jallopy (Ford)
Close view of large boulders
Boulders Downstream
img 182
Beneath Cannings Falls
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Mono Hills Provincial Park
Websters Fall ~ Ontario Canada
The Falls
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Mono Hills Provincial Park
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Upper Canning
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