Wait for me...

Garden view

Back Lit Oil Lamp

The bee’s-eye view while approaching glory

Walking the Dog

I Think the Trees Are Starting to Take Her

Trail view outside my room

Close view of large boulders

Trail view outside my room

Trail view outside my room

Orange Lawrence, founder of our town, taking a cold view of this snowsquall

Phalenopsis bird’s-eye view

Another view of the fly past for Roz Robinson

The view from here …

Blue & Orange & Horses

View of outside from my room

My view inside & out, while heading up to sleep

Another view of the quirky dotting along one side of the petals of St John’s-wort

Really Driftin

The view from inside

Trees, Sky, Grass, And Water

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Beneath Cannings Falls

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The Falls

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Upper Canning

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Spiniach Rows

Websters Fall ~ Ontario Canada
