Taquile island, Titicaca lake, Péru

Peru, lake Titicaca, Taquile island, little girl outside a store

Welcome to Taquile Island!

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island, Colquecachi community settlememt

Peru, terraced fields & Lake Titicaca view from Mt Pachatata (3900m) on Amantani island

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Taquile island, scene at plaza mayor

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Taquile island village

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island, Inca masonry remnants on Mt. Pachatata

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island in light snowfall, moored boats

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Taquile island, toddler at the door of san santiago restaurant

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island, local quechua men throwing a welcome event

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island, Mt Pachamama terraced field

Peru, lake Titicaca, Taquile island, quechua woman with firewood load on her back

Peru, lake Titicaca,Taquile island, Quechua men sunbathing outside the church in the warm hours

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Taquile island, man with load on his back

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Taquile island, quechua woman & little girl

Lake Titicaca

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island, Quechua couple with their daughter

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Taquile island, plaza mayor

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island, Colquecachi community hall in light snowfall

Peru, lake Titicaca, Taquile island, man with tangled waterhose

Twilight on the lake

Colours in the sky

Lake's peace at sunset

Stroll along Lake Titicaca

A quiet shore

Cobra in the sky

Indian village on Lake Titicaca

arch with a view to Titicaca lake

Last light on Llachon

Peru, Lake Titicaca, Amantani island (altitude 3.850m) from a distance

Ricordi di viaggio

Taquile, Door, Peru

Taquile Island - Viewpoint (...Explored, Thank you/Merci/Grazié/Gracias)

Isla Taquile


Caminos de Taquile

Taquile postcard

Isla Amantaní, Lago Titicaca. Perú.

Nient' altro intorno.