KCS SD70ACe-4025, 4024 S/B at Heavener, OK.

KCS SD70ACe-4025, 4024 S/B at Forest Hill, OK.

KCS ES44AC-4691, CSX C44-9W-9020, UP C60AC-7307 S/B DPU at Forest Hill, OK.

Parents' House: Backyard View

Parents' House: The House 2

Parents' House: Across the Street 1

Poteau River Old US 59

View from Cavanal Hill Park

View from Heavener Runestone State Park towards Ouachita Mtns.

The view from Heavener Runestone Park.

View from Heavener Runestone Park

KCS 4788 | GE ES44AC | KCS Shreveport Subdivision

Can do some major damage.

Wister Lake spillway site

Parents' House: Across the Street 2

Poteau, OK from World's Highest Hill

Heavener Runestone area

Oak in Early Fall

Wards Landing Inlet

Runestone 1

Runestone 5

Cedar Lake Dam

Hole in the Cloud Deck

Shelter at Area 2

Ouachita 4

Quarry Island