Is this the world we created...?

Long Walks on Short Piers

the gatekeeper

Magical Sparkles

View from Maguire Peaks

'out of nowhere'

Air and water, charging on!

Thin Film Interference - 1

Golden Hills

Great Blue Heron

DreamLand, Coyote Hills

Hanger One

The Bad Beginning - Waiting with Sheep

No One In This World

Eagle's Domain

"Who said 'lets play pool' then?" :)

White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus) (sp. # 186)

The best seat in the house

Explosions of Light

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

mY first HDR

Door of opportunities :)

Even on a rainy day there are flowers

Sunset Express.........

Tree in Yellow Field

The hills could use some water.

Yesterday afternoon stroll.

Calaveras Road

Don Edwards Preserve, Newark California

Dumbarton Pier 06.jpg

Steam and Rust No1

Twin Creeks Sports Complex at dusk

Sunol Spring Hillside No.01

Shade and reflections

Garin 20150227

No Name Trail

Garin 20150227

Green Pastors

Allen's Hummingbird

Alviso Blue Hour

Marsh Wren

Hello! I'm Western Meadowlark