Kerudo: Lambwe Deaf School

KERUDO: Lambwe School for the Deaf

Deaf students performing a traditional dance

Deaf children performing a traditional dance.

Lambwe School for the Deaf

Lambwe Christian School for the Deaf

Kerudo: Lambwe Deaf School

Lambwe Schüler mit Enock

Lambwe, gehörloser Trommler

Lambwe, Tanz

Lambwe School, Toiletten-Spinnen

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Lambwe Toilette Kakerlake

Lambwe School for the Deaf

Lambwe School, Bauspende, Matthias und Margaret

Privat: enthält exif-Infos - Lambwe, Tanz

Lambwe School, beim Essen

Lambwe, Tanz

Lambwe, Tanz

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Gehörlose Schüler führen traditionelle Tänze auf