On the road in Otero County, Colorado.

Bent's Old Fort courtyard

Bent's Old Fort: nature trail

Blue Grosbeak

La Junta City Limits

Bullock's Orioles

Bullock's Oriole and Red-winged Blackbird (females)

Southwest Chief

Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site: view toward the entrance from the gaming room

2013-07-05 07.59.37

Camera Roll-2244

Storm and Pond

The First Few Feet of the Raton

Spotted Monarch?

9_18 Sandia Peak-14

9_18 Sandia Peak-15

9_18 Sandia Peak-10

9_18 Sandia Peak-20

9_18 Sandia Peak-26

American Coot

Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site

Colorado for Coffee-145

Establishing Shot - Rocky Ford SWA, Otero County CO - April 2018

Camera Roll-2245

Colorado for Coffee-142

9_18 Sandia Peak-27


Bent's Old Fort NHS, CO

Colorado State University Breaks Ground on its Arkansas Valley Campus