Sunset Vineyard

Jenkinson Lake at blue hour

Jenkinson Lake at sunset

Jenkinson Lake before sunset

Jenkinson Lake at blue hour

Jenkinson Lake at daytime

#HappyHolidays #HappyThanksGiving

Jenkinson Lake at night

Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park

Another view of the July garden

Views from Boa Vista in Apple Hill

Robinson's Pharmacy

Boeger Winery sunset view

Trail of Stars

Apple Hill in the Rear View Mirror

Oct-11-Apple Hill-4ps

RV Camping..

Jenkinson Lake Hiking Trail - 1

Jenkinson Lake - 20090523 - 1

Jenkinson Lake - 20090523 - 2

Morning Services

Stormy Sunset in Pleasant Valley

Hell in our backyard

King Fire Western Edge 0423

land of milk and honey

These trees survived the season

Dutch Creek Waterfall

finding gold in the valley of Coloma

Apple Hill

Stumpy Meadows

Forty Acres and a Mule