Southern Summers

From The Shadows

The Marshes Glory

Sunset at Clam Creek, Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA

St. Simons Island, 1 Thessalonians 4:17

Golden Isles, Psalm 69:14

St. Simons Island, Matthew 18:20

The Plantation Shadows

Brick & Tabby Crypt Side View

The Last Sunset

St. Simons Island, Psalm 97:11

My view for the weekend... #NiceRoom #OnTheBeach #MyLifeDoesntSuck

glynn county georgia

Babies Killdeer

Ocean Morning

View From Hallway

St. Simons Island

Saint Simons Island Beach - Georgia

St. Simons Island Lighthouse (Georgia)

St Simons Island view

Driftwood Beach

Avenue of the Oaks

Looking at Sea Island

St. Simons Island, Psalm 121:5

Waiting for the Sun

After the sun goes down

Driftwood Beach and Clam Creek, Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA

Fishing pier

Driftwood Beach

High Tide at St. Simons Island

Clash of the Ancients

Same cloud a little later, St. Simons Island Georgia

Fishing pier

Ripples in the Sand

St. Simons Island, Proverbs 22:6

Interesting find on the beach. Was a Leprechaun here? I couldn't find any pot of gold!

Sunset Over St. Simons Sound, St. Simons Island, Georgia