The Marshes Glory

Driftwood Beach

Driftwood Beach at High Tide

Saint Simons Island - Georgia

St. Simons Island Lighthouse (Georgia)

Ship's Anchor

tonight we forget everything

View From Hallway

Babies Killdeer

The Last Sunset

Early Morning on Saint Simons Island

2013.08.27 85K Views

Shrimp Boats of Brunswick

Grave Digger - Boat Bell

Way to the beach

Driftwood Beach at High Tide

Driftwood Beach

Shrimp boats of Darien 2

Grave Digger of Darien

My view for the weekend... #NiceRoom #OnTheBeach #MyLifeDoesntSuck

View of the marshes, Mosquito Creek, and palmettos from the rear deck of Cedar Lodge, Little St. Simons Island, Georgia

Waiting for the Sun

Pier over water

Driftwood Beach

Visions of the Mercury Coast

Driftwood Beach, Jekyll Island. Georgia, USA.

Flowing with the Time Stream

Spirit of the Oaks

Light The Undiscovered

Sunset in the Grass

Georgia State Tree

Butler Plantation, Darien, Ga.

Back to the Frederica Oaks

Water is slate

Darien, Ga.

Rainbow Beach at the lower end of Little St. Simons's seven miles of Atlantic beachfront

1996.12.25.01 Brunswick Ga.

Avenue of the Oaks

A Golden Sunrise for the Golden Isles.

Same cloud a little later, St. Simons Island Georgia