Calm Before the Storm

full moon at sunrise

Day 939: Folsom_9599d

Blue Heron In Vetch 0893

Rainbow Bridge

Folsom Lake Lupines

Sitting Pretty

Day 987: ElDorado_1957d

Prairie Storm

Day 950: Car_0187d

Day 922: Truck_8983d

Day 988: Food_2037

Day 875: Folsom_7096d

Day 947: Jeep_0014

Day 897: Folsom_7912d

A Little Bit of Fantasy 2059

Oak Burn

Venus watches over a Folsom sunset

Spring Wildflowers 0026

The Spectacles

Found Beauty on the American River in Carmichael California - where I grew up

Drei Bäume

Sunset over Three Oak Knoll

Day 746: Folsom_1611d

501 Veneto Ct. El Dorado Hills-2

3419 Archetto Dr El Dorado Hills CA-56


Just One More...

3419 Archetto Dr El Dorado Hills CA-50

Four Oak Knoll

The American River

The Fishing Spot 9174

Three Oak Knoll

Rock Wren

It's about time!