Elongated footpath

Springlike view

Bayreuth, Eremitage 3

Ornamental bushes


Quadriga - Eremitage Bayreuth


Bayreuth, Eremitage 2

get him......get HER!

Neues Schloss - Eremitage Bayreuth

fountain - Eremitage Bayreuth

Sorry, occupied!

Bayreuth & One Window

Rauher Kulm

Bayreuth, Eremitage detail 1

Bayreuth, Eremitage detail 2

Bird's Eye View

Bayreuth, Eremitage detail 3

Bayreuth, Eremitage 1

Wheel of Color

Feuerwerk am Bayreuther Volksfest

Quelle des weissen Mains-4

Eremitage Bayreuth

Eremitage castle in Bayreuth

great sundown...

Quelle des weissen Mains-6

Burgruine "Altes Schloss"


sunset Bayreuth


golf course sunset

the world is going to sleep

Sonnenuntergang am Ochsenkopf

an der Quelle des weissen Mains-1

Burgruine Hohenberneck

Spring In The Forest

Persistence Of Vision

The blue yellow...

Ruine Marienkapelle Hohenberneck

Marienkapelle Hohenberneck