PHAINOPEPLA Female Phainopepla nitens east of the Salton Sea, California. 2010 Photo by Peter Wendelken
View from the top. Abandoned K-Bar firelog plant
Brawley CA Spreckels (# 0567)
African Earwig (Euborellia cincticollis), New River Wetlands, Imperial County, CA, 7-29-17
jalisciences. westmorland, ca. 2014.
lyall's full service. westmorland, ca. 2014.
jalisciences. westmorland, ca. 2014.
late in the day at the salton sea
Salton Sea
Brawley, CA
Desert Oasis
Aerial Photos SD - EC 1976
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
Alamo River Wetlands Project
Black Skimmer
Alamo River Wetlands Project
winter with Ramos' 40
winter with Ramos' 39
Giant Spanish Needle