PHAINOPEPLA Female Phainopepla nitens east of the Salton Sea, California. 2010 Photo by Peter Wendelken

View from the top. Abandoned K-Bar firelog plant

Aerial view of Southern California

Aerial view of Southern California near the Salton Sea

Aerial view of Southern California near the Salton Sea

Aerial view of Southern California near the Salton Sea

White-winged Dove - Zenaida asiatica

When Times Were Simple

BURROWING OWL Athene cunicularia Swiveling Head 180º. Salton Sea Area, California. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Salton Sea Refuge 03897

Greater Roadrunner - Geococcyx californianus

rock hill trail 4977

Harlan's Hawk

Crested Caracara

Scrawny Coyote

Calipatria's Claim

Salton Bono 03819

Salton Bono 03820

Salton Sea

DSC_3269 Geese

CA Trip Day 8: Seashore View

late in the day at the salton sea

jalisciences. westmorland, ca. 2014.

lyall's full service. westmorland, ca. 2014.

Let's Start Over

White-faced Ibis

Snow Geese ( Chen caerulescens ) (1 of 1)

Snow Geese, flying, Salton Sea CA CQ4A7543

White-faced Ibis, Salton Sea CA CQ4A7558

Snow Geese, grazing, Salton Sea CA CQ4A7589

White-faced Ibis, Salton Sea CA CQ4A7565

Snow Geese, landing, Salton Sea CA CQ4A7624

Leafy Greens


Ramblin' Blues

Winter Sunrise in the desert

Sandhill Cranes

Salton Shore