Orbs of Mystery #1 - Mendocino County, California

Iversen Cove - Mendocino County, California - 3D stereo Anaglyph

Sunset at Bowling Ball Beach

Bowling Ball Sunset - Mendocino County

Breaking Storm and a Minus Tide at Iversen Cove - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - Pro 160S

The Tide Pools Just South of Iversen Cove - Fuji GSW690II - Reala 100

Kodi (White Golden Retriever) - Fuji W1 - 3D stereo red-cyan anaglyph

Just South of Iversen Cove - Fuji W1 - 3D stereo red-cyan anaglyph

The Historic Gualala Hotel - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - TMAX 100

Seascape Just South Iversen Cove - Fuji GS645S - Pro 160S

View from Robinsong, Sea Ranch

SonomaJune2006 (34)

Sinuous Scope -- Hearn Gulch, Gallaway, CA

View from the rocks

Surf Market Summer BBQ - Gualala - Fuji W1 - 3D stereo red-cyan anaglyph

Downtown Gualala - Olympus E-520 - Leica D. Summilux 25mm f/1.4 Asph.

Kodi (White Golden Retriever) - Fuji W1 - 3D stereo red-cyan anaglyph

Tidepools just South of Iversen Cove - Mendocino County, California - Fuji W1 - 3D Anaglyph

Seascape Just South of Iversen Cove - Mendocino County, California - 3D Anaglyph

Tree Stump Driftwood - 3D anaglyph

Knipp and Stengal Ranch Barn - Fuji GSW690II - Reala 100

Gualala Sunset

On The Bluff...


The Afterparty: Mendocino County, CA

Be Kind Rewind -- Shell Beach, Sea Ranch, CA

Keeping Watch

Ocean rainbow just before a storm rolls down the coast.

A Dreamy Day in Summer

Bowling Ball Beach

Filming: Bowling Ball Beach, CA

Stengel Beach at Dawn

Blow Hole 1

Tidepool Reflection - Olympus Stylus 100 WIDE (mju-III WIDE 100) - Ultramax 400

gualala waves

Minus Tide Just Outside Iversen Cove - Mamiya 6 - 50mm F/4 - Portra 160

Duck Pond Reflection 2 - Hasselblad 500C/M - Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 T* CF - Velvia 50

Tidepools Just South of Iversen Cove, Mendocino County - Minolta Freedom Escort - Pro 400H

Iversen Cove at High Tide - Fuji GS645S - Pro 160S

Perseverance - Bowling Ball Beach - Mendocino County, CA