Unten am Fluss

by nature → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

Bamberg Germany

Bamberg - Altes Rathaus

Bamberg Cathedral

Poor chimney ...

Little Venice

View from inside of Bamberg Cathedral, Bamberg, Germany

View of Bamberg in Winter

Bamberg: Kaiserdom

Bamberg: Rathaus

Hoffmann’s hideaway

A stroll through Bamberg's Old Town

Altes Rathaus 3D (cross-view)

Abend in Bamberg

Buckenhofen Forest - 2009 - #13

View across the Regnitz, Bamberg, Germany

Sommer in der Stadt

clouds reflection

Bamberg on a foggy day I

Buckenhofen Forest - 2009 - #8

Bamberg Michaelsberg 02_web

Bamberg (Bambärch), Oberfranken. Linker Regnitzarm, untere Mühlbrücke

Bamberg architecture

Bamberg Germany

Bamberg baroque

Kürbisspinne (Araniella cucurbitina)

Bamberg Michaelsberg Abbey

Klein Venedig (Bamberg)

Villa Concordia and the Towers of the Cathedral II

Spiegelung am Dechsenforfer Weiher II

Schachbrett (Melanariga galathea) - 4

Il fiume Regnitz

Aurorafalter (Anthochairs cardamines) ♂

Klee-Gitterspanner (Chiasmia clathrata) - 1

Grasglucke (Euthrix potatoria)

Gammaeule (Autographa gamma) - 1

blühendes Bamberg a
