Abend in Bamberg

Unten am Fluss

View across the Regnitz, Bamberg, Germany

Sommer in der Stadt

Tunnel of trees

Bamberg & Regnitz River

Bamberg on a foggy day I

Little Jürgen

Buckenhofen Forest - 2009 - #13

Buckenhofen Forest - 2009 - #8

Bamberg palace

Bamberg Germany

Bamberg - Altes Rathaus

Bamberg Cathedral

Buckenhofen Forest - 2009 - #14

Germany, Bamberg

BAMBERG - Residenz: the Imperial Hall

Poor chimney ...

Bamberg - Wasserschloss Concordia

Bamberg: Kaiserdom

Little Venice

Villa Concordia and the Towers of the Cathedral II

Bamberg Michaelsberg 02_web

Bamberg (Bambärch), Oberfranken. Linker Regnitzarm, untere Mühlbrücke

Bamberg architecture

Il fiume Regnitz

Aurorafalter (Anthochairs cardamines) ♂

Bamberg Germany

Klee-Gitterspanner (Chiasmia clathrata) - 1

Bamberg baroque

Gammaeule (Autographa gamma) - 1

My First Test with HDR

View over Wiesent river valley from Walberla Hill in the Franconian Switzerland

blühendes Bamberg a


Blick ins Wiesenttal auf Gasseldorf / Ebermannstadt

Walberla 14

Der Herbst

Bamberg Michaelsberg Abbey

sunset boulevard