Cattle Egret Chicks

Tree Tunnel (118/365)

Lake at Greenville 1

Some Lake

Rock Springs Run

Crossing Rock Springs Run


St Lukes Church Madison Co FL

Honey Lake Plantation Church

Drifton-Aucilla store

Thanksgiving in Tallahassee

At plantation for my friend Jenn's wedding. Really pretty.

Groovin' with Ray

Me and Ray Charles, Greenville FL

iPad watching sunrise

Sunrise above the deck

Sunrise over north Florida

Drying Out {EXPLORE}

Ray Charles Childhood Home (replica) Greenville FL

Ray Charles Childhood Home Marker Greenville FL

Town of Greenville Marker Greenville FL

Bishop Andrews Hotel 2 Greenville FL

John C McGehee Marker Madison Co FL

2,177 miles on this rental vehicle, 230 miles to go—and I only JUST figured out I can link Pandora on my iPhone to the radio #techfail

Spring in Florida