Seventeenmile Point

room with a view. goffs, ca. 2016.

From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

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Grand Canyon 2007

From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

Grand Canyon 2007

From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

Grand Canyon 2007

Grand Canyon 2007

Grand Canyon 2007

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From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

US - Goffs

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From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

From Barstow to Flagstaff, Views

Grand Canyon 2007

Grand Canyon 2007

Clouds and Route 66, Goffs, CA

it's a long way to barstow. fenner, ca. 2016.


Driving through the Mojave desert

Goffs School House, American Boy Ten-Stamp Mill

#nofilter #doesn'tdoitjustice #sunset #cali #mountains

towards LA

Desert climb


Mineralogy Field Trip

California Scenery

Goffs School House, American Boy Ten-Stamp Mill, Stamps

DSC_5567-Golden Eagle

大峽谷南緣-Bridge angel lodge.jpg

Goffs School House, American Boy Ten-Stamp Mill, Battery Boxes

Goffs School House, Old School Lane

Heart of the Mojave, East Mojave Heritage Trail

BNSF 7536 West 2


Goffs School House, American Boy Ten-Stamp Mill, Model

Goffs School House, Aermotor Windmill