Paloma, IL.

Moon Over Miami

Into the Light

The Light Within

A Rainy October Day

Fire and Water

Sunset walk while dog sitting with Honey #sunset #quincy #illinois #dogwalk

Colorful sunrise!! #quincy #illinois

So this bad boy is taking me to STL. I hope it has heat!! #quincy #illinois #blackandwhite

Quincy's loss is Hannibal's gain. RIP, Long John Silver's. #youdontknowwhatyougottilitsgone

Quincy, IL First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust

Quincy, IL First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust

The best plant field class ever! #2016

Star of Bethlehem

Bus honeysuckle tree

Bush honeysuckle bark

Bush honeysuckle flower

FullSizeRender 3

Watching some sandblasting get done #sunset #blackandwhite #quincy #illinois

Color swirl #quincy #illinois @sherwinwilliams

Moving and shaking, commerce early in the morning. #quincy #illinois

Old Vines

Groan!! Too hot here!!! #quincy #illinois #heatwave

End of Interstate 172

Amtrak Station, Quincy (Ill.), 21 May 2015

Amtrak Station, Quincy (Ill.), 21 May 2015

Amtrak Station, Quincy (Ill.), 21 May 2015