Paloma, IL.

Fire and Water

A Rainy October Day

Moon Over Miami

Into the Light

The best plant field class ever! #2016

Star of Bethlehem

Bus honeysuckle tree

Bush honeysuckle bark

Bush honeysuckle flower

So this bad boy is taking me to STL. I hope it has heat!! #quincy #illinois #blackandwhite

Old Vines

End of Interstate 172

Fertility Stone in small muncipal park in Liberty, IL

Fertility Stone in small muncipal park in Liberty, IL

Fertility Stone in small muncipal park in Liberty, IL

Lewis Round Barn, Mendon, IL

A little at a time

2014-Day 19: Rollerskating!

2014-Day 7: Back to the Cold

#sunset #quincy #illinois

#colors #leaves #stream #quincy #illinois

#frozen #stream #leaves

Paloma, IL.

Paloma, IL.