and so the angels took her away

caught in the headlights

With the sun in her hair...

Which one's which?

gentil farfalletta

Feuille vivante | Alive leaf

Work, work, work...

Marciac - Museo del Jazz (+1K views!!!)

Insetti rossi

Paesaggio con girasoli (+1K views!!!)

I Pirenei visti da Ladevèze Ville

You say, we can't go on this way.

Ladeveze Ville - Notre Dame de Castex

I Pirenei visti da Tieste

Monlezun dans l'éclat d'un matin d'automne

France - Auriébat (Midi-Pyrénées)

Paesaggio - Landscape (+1K views!!)

Pyrenean spectacular

Paysage IMGP5307

Bovins IMGP4867

Watch me, i can fly

Paysage du Gers IMGP4855

Maisons sur la crête IMGP4864

Etang IMGP4843

Etang IMGP4841

Camino Via Tolosana 510.jpg

Camino Via Tolosana 518.jpg

Lac de Bassillon-Vauzé

Campagne IMGP4894

Camino Via Tolosana 526.jpg