Tarbes, France

《View from Home》 Au chaud avec @yrma_zorub ???? #home #tarbes #mountain #snow #winteriscoming #winterishere #pyrenees #npy @npyski #Npy5 #pentax #city #clocher #art #composition #clouds #sky #sun #picdumidi @picdumidi #winter #ski #fromhome #chill #

and so the angels took her away

caught in the headlights

With the sun in her hair...

Which one's which?

Feuille vivante | Alive leaf

Work, work, work...

View at night

The view

circo de gavarnie

A new day

Jardin Massey (Tarbes)

Un site en hauteur IMGP5222

Paesaggio con girasoli (+1K views!!!)

You say, we can't go on this way.

France - Auriébat (Midi-Pyrénées)

Paesaggio - Landscape (+1K views!!)

Pyrenean spectacular

Paysage IMGP5307

Bovins IMGP4867

Vue générale de Baudéan (Htes-Pyrénées), dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Watch me, i can fly

Paysage du Gers IMGP4855

Maisons sur la crête IMGP4864

Etang IMGP4843

Etang IMGP4841

Camino Via Tolosana 518.jpg

Campagne IMGP4894

Camino Via Tolosana 526.jpg