Tarbes, France

and so the angels took her away

caught in the headlights

With the sun in her hair...

Which one's which?

Feuille vivante | Alive leaf

Work, work, work...

《View from Home》 Au chaud avec @yrma_zorub ???? #home #tarbes #mountain #snow #winteriscoming #winterishere #pyrenees #npy @npyski #Npy5 #pentax #city #clocher #art #composition #clouds #sky #sun #picdumidi @picdumidi #winter #ski #fromhome #chill #

Panorama PYRÉNÉES de Tarbes (France - 65)

January view from my Desk

View at night

The view

Vue générale de Baudéan (Htes-Pyrénées), dimanche 28 décembre 2014

circo de gavarnie

A new day

You say, we can't go on this way.

France - Auriébat (Midi-Pyrénées)

Pyrenean spectacular

Paysage IMGP5307

Bovins IMGP4867

Watch me, i can fly

Paysage du Gers IMGP4855

Lac de Soues

Etang IMGP4843

Etang IMGP4841

Campagne IMGP4894

Camino Via Tolosana 526.jpg

Paysage du Gers....IMGP4853

Paysage du Gers IMGP4857

Paysage du Gers IMGP4856

Lac de Soues