On The Outside Looking In

Mid Century Modern House

El Vista Elementary School, 1950s

2032 Darrah St Ceres California

Lucky Supermarket, 2006

Surfin’ USA

Black-headed Gull

A Return Trip

George Lucas Plaza

Water Wealth Contentment Health

9th Street Bridge

Above Turlock and Highway 99, Stanislaus County, California

Yosemite NP and Half Dome from Denair, CA

Distant View - Half Dome from 68.99 miles (Merriam and E Taylor roads)

Former Kress Department Store- Modesto, Ca.

Longs Drugs, Oakdale Rd. and Floyd Ave., Modesto, CA (Pre-CVS for now)

2200 Caswell Avenue

Fast Eddie's MOAB - Modesto, CA

Aerial View of a Cattle Farm

El Vista Elementary School, 2006

Side view

Flood Basin

Lake near San Francisco




A crack in the sky.


Two Lips to the Sun


Heartland Patience

#fireseason #sunset #russellreno #russellrenophotography #turlock

Ah, Migration

Yosemite Half Dome

128 Magnolia Ave

Beauty in unexpected places

grey geese in green grass grazing.

#Walk #tree #roots #russellreno #rollerderby

Almond Bloom

306 Hackberry Avenue, Modesto, CA