St. George Rotunda

Sofia - Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

very small green spider _DSC0912

Please help me identify this DSC_0303

Synema globosum small spider малък паяк DSC_0055

European hornet ( Vespa crabro ) Стършел DSC_0612

Dun Skipper ( Euphyes vestris ) metacomet Night butterfly over Tagetes DSC_0598

Kamen Del peak , Vitosha mountain DSC_0587

Square by night

Small mushrooms & moss Гъби и спори на мъх DSC_0962

Petunia DSC_0606

buds пъпъки _DSC0739

View of Tsarigradsko shose Boulevard Sofia Bulgaria at sunset from hotel room

DSCN0001 (2)_

Between Pillars. Sofia City, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

misty night i

The road ahead...

Summer Evening

Lightning Over Lozenets

Gentle curves

The palace

helios 44

Up on Boyana river

Autumn in park DSC_0227

Sun view over Cathedral hdr

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Sofia, Bulgaria

View from Kamen Del peak, Vitosha mountain DSC_0594

44 001 Dragichevo 20 09 2015

Cattedrale Di St Alexander Nevsky hdr

B&W Monument View

Братската могила Паркът на свободата София 1967 г. The Antifascist monument Liberty Park Sofia Bulgaria

Kopitoto Vitosha - panorama Копитото Витоша панорама DSC_0885_0891_stitch

Mercedes-Benz O305G #1633

Moon above the Cathedral hdr

My kind of season❤️follow me for more on instagram: pandevonium_images Nature Water Reflection Cold Temperature Beauty In Nature Winter Snow Tree No People Tranquil Scene Built Structure Lake Outdoors Tranquility Scenics Day Architecture Lake View W

Lake Pancharevo Shoreline

As the water flows #3

Happy New Year 2018! DSC_0513