The Cyclops

eBird Doc: American Pipit

eBird Doc: Ohio wintering Pectoral Sandpiper

Shopping on the edge...

View Through Broken Window of Abandoned House

Blueberry B and B on Dec. 31st, 2009

Holmesville, Holmes County Ohio, East Main St Looking W

First Presbyterian Church (1928)

Side entrance - Wayne County Courthouse - 1878

Wayne County Courthouse - 1878

eBird Doc: Pectoral Sandpiper wintering in Ohio

Ruff and Greater Yellowlegs

Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs

Holiday Bokeh

back view of The Walrus ring for Etsy

Dew Blades 1

Everything Rubbermaid...

Tough guys...


26/365 - November 21st, 2009

American Golden-Plovers (with Lesser Yellowlegs)

Painterly Tree


Tree Reflections Panorama (Explored)

The Pinwheel Farmer

Lonely Tree

Little Red School Home

Down the Road

Can't hold her together

Run Pic

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Spring Colors

Leap for a leap year

Tree Tree Tree

Over in the Meadow

Mossy Roots

Tree By Wet Road

Mossy Tree

sunset time

Reflection Pond with Water Lilies

Spring Day