Road to the Horizon

Highway View: Alfonso's Mexican Food, Payson, AZ

How 1980 Viewed the Future

Drinking coffee and loving this view

Snowy Pine

Summer Storms

Honor Respect Remember - Generation by Generation

Felix Takes in Another View

View Up to the top

32912-24, Trail To The Tonto Natural Bridge

Payson Airport

Where I'm Goin' / Where I've Been

Highway View, Vintage Plastic Steer Roadside Sign: Pete's Place Cabaret, Star Valley, AZ

Driving Along the Rim

View into Canyon at Tonto Natural, Bridge, Arizona

Mogollon Rim

A Fine Resting Spot

Houses Sprinkled on the Hill

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

Granite Dells Biking

view near tonto natural bridge 02

Panorama of Mogollon Rim

Panorama of Mogollon Rim

Tonto Natural Bridge

Tonto Natural Bridge

Let's venture out #exploremore2016

Jerome 2013

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

State Park Javelina

Copper Mine in Miami, AZ (yes we have one too)

must shoot

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park

TontoNaturalBridge_20060805 004

Tonto Natural Bridge Waterfall

there it is

Panorama of Mogollon Rim (HDR)

that's one thick bridge


Tonto Natural Bridge

Tonto Natural Bridge under the waterfall