Lake Fork

Developing Tornado (East Texas Tornado Outbreak)

Texas swamp


Storm Clouds

Developing Wall Cloud (Possibility of tornadoes! Quite scary!)

Netflix and Pedi... #netflixandpedi #netflix #thelword #lovethisshow #pedicure #pedi #ipadpro

Ellington Family Reunion Sept 2015 9834

Rainy Texas Skies

Thanks to Aunt Each for pedicures and nails!!

At the hair salon at this time of night=a hair stylist that rocks!! Emma and I both needed retouches before Saturday!! #latenighthappenings #ihavethebesthairstylist #rootswereshowing #gettingbanquetdayready

????????✂✂ B working her magic ✂✂???????? #newcolor #tangledandco #newcut #lovechange #neededchange

Rock Creek Farm - Hopkins County, Texas

Headed out for an overnight 16 hr shift with my buddy in hand...Chocolate Vegan Shakeology with Focused Energy Boost. Love! #nomakeupdontcare #shakeology #shake #shakeo #beachbodyboost #beachbodyfocusedenergyboost #overnightshift #healthylifestyle #health

Happy 15th Birthday Emma & Lily!!! #happybirthday #happybirthdaytothetwins #happyfifteenthbirthday #birthdaydinner

Great zumba class girls!! You all ROCK!! #zumbalove #zumba #zumbafitness #zumbainstructor #anytimefitnesssulphursprings

Mango Chile Cilantro Lime Rice with Corn...yummy!! #usingourgiftcard #yummydinner #meatless

Getting a pedi to relax a little...lots of life stresses lately. #fireballnailpolish #ipadpro #pedicure #pedi #relaxing #stressrelief #teambeachbodyblog

Getting that spray tan... #versaspa #spraytan #thatglotho #tanfatlooksbetter

Me and my sidekick...

Get your workout in... #anytimefitnesssulphursprings #zumba #weightlifting #weights #fitmom #healthylifestylechange #healthylifestyle #healthy #lifting #fit #fitnessmotivation #determination


Thanks Beachbody for my treats to myself that keep me sane. Color for today..."Too Yacht To Handle" #beachbodyboost #beachbody #focusedenergyboost #focusedenergy #thanksbeachbody #vipnails #tooyachttohandle #pedicure #shakeo #shakeologyeveryday #shakeolog

Don't let the rainy weather keep you from shakin' it with me at Zumba!! See you at 6:15!!