American Lady

Tonight's first #viewfrommywhiskey is also the view from my cabin in northern WI for the next 6 days.

1951 Ford F-1 (Rear View)

Solitary Sandpiper

Little Cabin in the Woods

tree on the shore

Lake of the Falls County Park

Four-spotted Skimmer

Spring Camp Falls 3-24-12 (3)

Ice forming on the Turtle Flambeau

Turtle Flambeau Flowage

Turtle Flambeau Flowage

Turtle River

Sturgeon Bay Landing

Long Dash

American Lady

late day sun on the shore

Turtle River

Fall into Winter

reflections of reeds

Beautiful Rocky Rapids

Lake of the Falls 10-8-09

Almost Sunset

The Frozen Tundra

Atlantis Fritillary (Speyeria atlantis)

Wild Daisies

Turtle Flambeau Flowage