Solitary Sandpiper

American Lady

Tonight's first #viewfrommywhiskey is also the view from my cabin in northern WI for the next 6 days.

View from the couch. #familyvacation #northernWI

1951 Ford F-1 (Rear View)

The Enchanted Forest

Little Cabin in the Woods

Turtle Flambeau Flowage

My Happy Place

Fall into Winter

Flambeau Flowage

June 8 - Paterson Lake Rd, Eisenstein, WI

Almost Sunset

The Frozen Tundra

Turtle Flambeau Flowage

Turtle Flambeau Flowage

Four-Spotted Skimmer

Pine siskin

St. Patrick's Day Northern Lights

Four-spotted Skimmer


Johns freedom ride part two

Ice forming on the Turtle Flambeau

Turtle Flambeau Flowage

Sturgeon Bay Landing

Long Dash

American Lady