Morning View

My view from the Stepping Up Men's conference at Trabuco Canyon Community #Church.... Not a bad way to start the day....

The Saddleback

Morning Has Broken

Cars & Coffee 1.15.11 5

Side View Mirror

no longer random

Cars & Coffee 1 - 5.22.10


Live Oak Trail from Vista Point

Greater Roadrunner (1952)

Reaching to the Sky

Green-tailed Towhee (2036) (rare orange county, ca)

Canaveras Trail (22317-9)

Bountiful November

1960 DeSoto Fireflite Hardtop --- EXPLORED 2/12/13 #310


Barn Owl (2099) in the wild

Cactus Wren (2451)

A White Water Lily

Mission San Juan Capistrano

Arroyo Trabuco

Edge of the World

Mission Viejo Orange County California 2015-05-06

Lookout Point

The Saddleback from O'Neill

IMG_4460 Where was i?

Soka University of America

ONeill 232

San Juan Capistrano

It must be spring....

Downhill from here

ONeill 44

East Side of Whiting Ranch

Copse of Sycamores

IMG_4417 Trail to Pacific Sunset

Riley Ridge

In the Meadow

Cloud landscape