Antonov AN-2 in HDR

Cessna 140 in HDR


View Chester County's High School Graduation LIVE (Chester,Lewisville,Great Falls) beginning at 5pm on TruVista Ch 39 #SC #edu #cable

Peach trees in December Explore # 206

Getting in a run before dinner. Beautiful outside today!


L&C Train 16

L&C 16 at the Wye

#abandonedplaces #southcarolinastory #bellyofthewhale

#southcarolinastory #traindepot #wildirishrose #abandonedplaces


Dickie Joy, 83 . Back when my husband and me was courtin' he said" let me take you out for steaks" now I didn't really like him like that but back then, you have to know, it wasn't every day you got ta eat a steak

L&C Train 16

L&C Train 16

L&C Train 12 Eastbound

LC 90, CHESTER, SC, 4-12-16

LC 3820, #12, MP 3, CHESTER, SC 4-12-16

LC 3820, #12, KNOX, SC 4-12-16

LC 3820, #12, CHESTER, SC 4-12-16

LC 2268, CHESTER, SC 4-12-16

LC 90, Chester, SC, 4-12-16

LC 90, CHESTER, SC, 4-12-16

L&C 2829 framed by the ctossing signal

Right spot at the right time.

Weatherproofing #set
