Lapham-Patterson House Street View

Lapham-Patterson House Side View

Wonderful view

Good view looking out. #changinglights at #church #ladder 25 feet up.


Blazing star (Liatris sp)

1491 Amason House Img_8226


House 2 Dewey City HD Thomasville GA

2009 April 16, 131 Mill Pond Rd Pelham, Ga Kodak

2009 April 16, 131 Mill Pond Rd Pelham, Ga Kodak

St. James Primitive Baptist Church corner stones, Thomasville

Awesome #cloud #weather #wx #clouds

And just what do choirs do in between Masses? We listen to the recording of the first Mass. #catholicchoir #catholic #church #romancatholic #StAgustine #thomasville #ga

Old Midway Country Grade School Plaque Thomasville GA

Ochlocknee library and police department

1707 Mixer Img_8422

1640 Lapham Patterson Img_8390

Pink Beauty

Meigs former theater building


First UMC Steeple Thomasville GA (2)

MacIntyre Park Thomasville GA (2)