Western Snowy Plover

Hey! That's mine!

Impatiently Waiting

Protective Mother

To the Victor.........

Hexagonal Sunset

Hanging Out

Don't play with your food!

Aerial view of the San Andreas Fault and Graniterock Quarry, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties, California

Sierra Azul Garden View

Aerial view of the San Andreas Fault, a sag pond, and a side-hill bench, Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California

Heading Out


Morning Clouds



Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus)


Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)

Brown Pelican

What's THIS?

Pacific Ocean - Wave II

Balancing Act


Row Crop Color--DSC1809--Marina, CA

At The Beach...

seagull footprints

USA Cosmos Golden West Tour-602

USA Cosmos Golden West Tour-603

California Trip, June 2010 - 028

Meadow Impressionism

Yes, I believe I will take a swim!

Pacifica 1


Sea theater

moss landing, ca

Keeping Watch

Gulls and Sunset

Highway 1


Salinas Farm