Timeless Effort

Raleigh LaGrange Walmart, view from the edge of the fuel center

Macy's Collerville, massive front window

Looking toward the front, from the upper level

One more view of Sportsman's Center Wal-Mart

Winter has Arrived (18/365)

Nice view from FIT!!!

Long view down to sporting goods and toys (former Southwind Target, Memphis)

A Wide View of a Small Lake

Looking up toward the southeast rear corner

Looking back toward the front of the new building

Hacks Cross Rd. McDonald's, north side view

Collierville Town Square

Widow Skimmer, male

Side view of the dull, boring silver-gray trim

North side view

Another view up the hill

View along the new front wall, Germantown Farmington Blvd. Kroger

Looking toward the front, from the north side

Germantown Exeter Rd. Kroger, produce department

Former Target Starbucks windows

Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)

House Finch, male

Shelby Farms

Wolfchase at 3:00PM #blackfriday

#Germantown Football vs Kirby on a sultry, warm & windy #Friday evening.

GC 3

Wolf River Trails and Lucius Burch Natural Area Gateway


greenway path in autumn

Cloudy Day

GC 2

Wolf River Trails and Lucius Burch Natural Area Gateway

Early To Rise

Song Sparrow

GC 4

M in Nature



Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)