Celestial and Terrestrial Lights

Sky River

Star Trails around Polaris

Sinking Big Dipper

Jupiter Rising

Waning Crescent

Racing to the Horizon

Sagittarius, Scorpius Star Trails

Pleisades Star Cluster on Tree

Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, Mendocino Co.

Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, Mendocino Co.

Abhayagiri Monastery, Redwood Valley, Mendocino Co.

Milky Way over Lakeport

Milky Way over Lakeport (Annotated)

Sky River (Annotated)

A view from my work..

Potter Valley

Potter Valley

Another view from my work..

What a view

View from the back

Lett's Lake

Snow Mountain Wilderness

Wow, that's kinda deep for that bike...

The water crossing

Jeff & Emily crossing two up!

Jeff & Emily crossing two up!

#HipstaConnect #PureHipstamatic #HipstaNerds

Camping with the fams.

End of fog

A09989 / madrone symmetricized

Lake Mendocino

The Bottom of the Lake

The Barn on the left. Barn Cove at Lake Mendocino ...

Camping Lake

Just maried ! :-)

eel river