View of the Little Tennessee River

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - View Downstream of Fontana Dam

View from the Dam

Back to the Smokies in 33 days and counting

Where the Paths Parted

Cheoah Bald

smoky mountains


View From Shook Stack

140706-3175 Fontana Dam

fontana view

view up

the sylvan way

View from Cheoah Bald

rosy filter

Historic Log Structures

a view from a bridge

140706-3168 Fontana Lake


scariest hole in the world: fontana dam spillway

i was up above it

Into the Woods

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Approaching Fontana Dam

140706-3151 Fontana Dam

140706-3174 Fontana Lake

Fontana Dam Island

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Downstream of Fontana Dam

GSMR Trestle Texture

140706-3165 Fontana Dam

140706-3146 Fontana Village

Obadiah Gap on the Cherohala Skyway

Blue Waters 2012

A New Day

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Panorama from Fontana Dam

Blue Waters 2012

GSMNP Backpack Day 1 - June23, 2014 - On Fontana Lake

140706-3171 Fontana Lake

Blue Waters 2012

GSMNP Backpack Day 6 - June 28, 2014 - Fontana Lake from the Fontana Dam Trailhead