solitary life's panorama..

This view alone is worth all the trouble (luggage fine, long queues, long distances, cramped seats, etc), every time. #Brahmaputra, #aerial, #view, #pride, #scenery, #nature, #travel, #river, #hues, #goinghome, #Indigo, #valley, #Assam

Road less travelled. And for every metaphorical road we take in life, there is a road not taken – the club we didn't join, the class we didn't take, the words we didn't say. #Meghalaya #india #shillong #travel #incredibleIndia #india #traveller #bikerli

Brahmaputra ferry

What could be more charming place to stay - A 160yr old tea planter's house in the middle of a tea plantation. #Mancotta #Chang #Bunglow. #Assam #Dibrugarh #Tea #Plantation #colonial #britishers #asia #incredibleIndia #travel #Northeast #sunset #herit

Man works charcoal near the river Brahmaputra, Dibrugarh, assam, india

coal worker rest in his hut near the river Brahmaputra, Dibrugarh, assam, india

The women carrying a day's worth of tea pickings to the weigh station for measurement. They will be paid by weight, but the plantation owners also supply housing, hospital and schools. These women are the main bread winners in the community, to the point

Far from the fishy crowd #billboard, #tourism, #fisherman, #solitary, #fish, #staplediet, #thethinker, #canebasket, #regional, #culture, #occupation, #justanotherday, #crowd, #freshwater, #riverbank, #Assamese, #promotion, #airport, #man

A dentist's hand. #henna, #mehendi, #palm, #design, #floral, #wedding, #patience, #ChileandentistinIndia, #crazy, #FebruaryinAssam

Fish Soup #fishsoup,#homefood, #nostalgia, #nothinglikethenortheast, #dinner, #Assam

Heat of the Night

Color of Love

Winter is coming

Electronic Leftover

Chrysanthemum Bloom

Winter Bloom

Morning has broken... #early, #morning, #livingroom, #silhouette, #daybreak, #home, #Assam

Assam Sky #sky, #overcast, #pattern, #Assam, #colours, #silhouette, #clouds, #afternoon

Discovery of the Week! #cupnoodles, #exclusive, #Indigo, #airlines, #kheemapeas, #zesty, #spicy, #meal, #expensive, #airborne

Yellow Bloom part II

Yellow flower bud reloaded