The Double Rainbow in a Storm

Thanks a Million


Past Vista

Office With a View

Happy 4th of July from Evergreen Cemetery

My running view from one of my runs during this past week. I wish that was a snow-filled mountain! #mtbaldy #runningview #rialto

Femme Fatal FIghting 3: War of the Roses

Previous Encounters with CNW 7000 -1

Railroad Crossing

Saturday Afternoon Along the Second District

Rooftop Oasis

My office view during a portion of the crazy weather we had this past week. Oh how I wished I wasn't stuck in an office. Believe it or not Big Bear is somewhere within those clouds! #officeview #bigbear #crazyweather

Femme Fatal FIghting 3: War of the Roses

Barstow vs Victorville 2423

Femme Fatal FIghting 3: War of the Roses

Outskirts 2

When You Sleep

Better Blue Than Yellow Bonnet

#selfie from the #top #lookout #views

Fence Ornament

Enjoying the Day at Fairmont Park

The Golden State

In the middle

More trees in a row

The Morning After at the Fire

Bokeh Boy

Last Rays on Cucamonga Peak

Heaven Awaits Us

Storm over GATX in Colton

One Colorful Sunset

P-40 Warhawk

2004 Westbound MoW train in Verdemont, from my collection.

Trees in a row

The Lake at Fairmount Park

4th of July 2014 in Riverside, CA

Interstate 15 Northbound Ontario Freeway Barstow - Las Vegas Nevada four left lanes approaches at EXIT 109 - Interstate 10 Freeway EAST San Bernardino / I-10 WEST Los Angeles two right lanes EXIT ONLY with these three overhead signs mounted on gantry

The Lake at Fairmount Park

The Road (vertical)

Hill Walk