J.M. Andrews House - Unionville Center, OH

Andrews House - Unionville Center, OH

Abandoned House - Marysville, OH

Hopkins Farm - Irwin, OH

My view in Ohio today.

White-winged Scoter

"Western" Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis calurus)

"Western" Red-tailed Hawk

White-winged Scoter

"Richardson's" Cackling Geese & Canada Geese [photo 4 of 4]

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)

6 of 10 Greater White-fronted Geese (race?) with Canadas

Plain City

"Western" Red-tailed Hawk

"Western" Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis calurus)

Canada x Domestic Swan Goose hybrid w/ Canada Geese

Plain City

Greater White-fronted Geese

Cackling Geese (2 in the back) with Canada Geese

Canada Geese (5 smaller birds) [photo 3 of 4]

Ross's Goose & Canada Geese

Black Stars

Ohio Dawn

John Burnham Log House — Pike Township, Madison County, Ohio

John Burnham Log House — Pike Township, Madison County, Ohio

Burnham Log House — Pike Township, Madison County, Ohio

Rural Sunset

Darby Creek Legends - The Wilder Brothers

Foot bridge over Big Darby, at Prairie Oaks Metro Park

Elite Fence - installed vinyl fence with landscaping

Abandoned House — Deer Creek Township, Madison County, Ohio

Treacle Creek

Abandoned House — Deer Creek Township, Madison County, Ohio

1 Ross's Goose, 9 of 12+ "Richardson's" Cackling Geese, and Canada Geese

darby bend lakes

Lay Down

Thin Blanket

Out of Obscurity

There Be Dragons

With Teeth