South Cañon Bridge, Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Glenwood Springs, CO

View from Storm King Mountain Trail

Proud To Be In The Parade

Back of the New Blizzard Interent Building

View from the road near Glenwood Springs

#amazing bedroom window view.


Our view at dinner. #eatingoutside

The views were unbelievable driving through Colorado.

Highball Chacra

Just another morning in Glenwood Springs.

We were waving from such great heights

High summer day near Glenwood Springs

Rifle Falls rainbow

Coming in to Glenwood Springs

Your Heritage Is Showing

"Aspens typically grow in large clonal colonies, derived from a single seedling, and spread by means of root suckers; new stems in the colony may appear at up to 30–40m from the parent tree. Each individual tree can live for 40–150 years above ground, but

Switchbacks to Clinetop Mesa

UP LDF52 16 What Was Thought To Be The Last

I Want To Be Engulfed In Nothing

UP CWEMS9 17 Dwindling In The West

Mt. Garfield in Colorado

Amtrak California Zephyr

Glenwood Whitewater Park on the Colorado River in Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Amtrak California Zephyr

Amtrak California Zephyr

Amtrak California Zephyr