(animated stereo) Commercial st. looking east, Atchison, KS (1870-1890)

(animated stereo) Construction of cantilevered truss bridge (circa 1875)

Atchison Coal Mine, 1907

The last one? (2 of 2)

Post office, 1900s

bridges of Atchison, KS

Bowers 1348. Methodist Church, Atchison, Kan. (1907)

Williams 3902 Commercial E. from 8th, Atchison, KS (c.1912)

Williams 3784 5th St. North from commercial (1910)

Curt Teich A73809, Eagle's building, Atchison, Kans. 1918

Williams 3898. St. Louis College, Atchison, Kans. (1913)

Williams 3785 Atchison Co. Courthouse (c.1912)

View from Earhart bridge

Joseph A. Symns

Curt Teich 1572, Court House, Atchison, Kans. (1906)

Bowers 1346 Trinity Church, Atchison, Kan. (1907)

Joseph A. Symns(2)

Page View

Atchison and Eastern Bridge Company

Bridges of Atchison (view from shore)


John Deere

Rolling Hills

Horsey Town

Little Shop of Spirits

Atchison community lake 7.......power lines overhead .....#ks_pride #atchison #atchisonks #kansasphotographer #kansasphotos #powerlines #electricity #lineman #lines #waterscape #wow_america_landscape #worldwide #world_bnw #kansasmag

Florida Landscape

Spring Field

Atchison vignettes: Streets/Alleys No. 9

Sunrise over Iatan

Missouri River (Atchison, Kansas)

Missouri River (Atchison, Kansas)

Rail Safari Fall 2010
