Black-necked Stilt

California Ground Squirrel

Marbled Godwit

Greater Yellowlegs

Rental canoes and kayaks

Life is ours, we live it our way

Aerial view of Palo Alto Airport, Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course, the duck pond, the Baylands Nature Interpretive Center, and San Francisco Bay, Palo Alto, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, California.

View Upstream, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Find the colors in life

View from the Boat Launch, Stevens Creek Reservoir

The sun settles at the shoreline

Place of reflection

View of the Lake from the Fishing Spot near the Quarry, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Mountain View, California // May 2013

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) in adult breeding plumage

View from the Picnic Area Downstream, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Windows on the mountainside - Happy Window Wednesday

A nesting pair of White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus), just after a mouse transfer was made by the kite on the left

Who left a bunch of bananas at the shore?

View Towards the Overflow, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus)

Panorama of Vasona Lake

Vasona Lake Reflections

Vasona Lake

Vasona Lake County Park

Vasona Lake - Happy Sliders Sunday

Baylands Sunrise

Vasona Lake County Park

Back to the dock

Vasona Lake County Park

Vasona Lake

Boating at the lake

Vasona Lake County Park as sunset approaches

Happy Telegraph Tuesday

Vasona Lake

Step into the soul serene

Tonight before midnight the servant will set out to rejoin his master

Geese (HSS)

Heavenly Shades of Night are Falling -- Reprise

Somewhere in heaven