Langford's Funeral Home, Raised Roof Ambulance, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 1971

Entertain this Christmas week - blow the dang doors off!

Another Office Depot-branded product spotted near the front

Jim Moshinskie of Emerson & Son Funeral Home ambulance and Richard Jernigan of Langford's Mortuary ambulance carry out the victim of a home fire in Jonesboro, Arkansas, in 1970.

Another overview of the electronics area

View along the back wall, as seen from the back right corner

You name it - it was on sale!

Another sad overview of menswear

Come on in (to an OfficeMax layout that looks very familiar...)

TechMax wall (again), as seen in the Jonesboro OfficeMax

Jonesboro OfficeMax - TechMax department (again), as viewed from closer to the front

Center action alley, as viewed from the cart corral area

Sears Jonesboro, view down the middle actionway

Another view of the JB OfficeMax front wall services center, and self-serve copy center in the corner

Decent overview of the back right corner

Close one Jonesboro Sears Holdings location, get the one across the street for an additonal 100% off!

Looking down the west, left side wall

Back left aisle end caps, as seen from the center aisle

Looking up toward the PC tune-up & services center

Jonesboro OfficeMax goes to the max for you

Paper products near the front left corner

#34 Call of Nature

Paragould Bypass construction


Craighead Forest Park

can you see me

Sunset at Craighead Forest Park

Big bush || #zoepup #dome #bush...


Wet farming day
