Cornelius Falls

Cornelius Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

Below the veil

Cornelius Falls

Cornelius Falls

Collins Creek

Collins Creek

Collins Creek up-close

Collins Creek

Paul and view of Greers Ferry Lake east from Sugar Loaf Island, Arkansas

Sugarloaf Mountain

Katie and Matt, Greers Ferry Lake view eastward from Sugar Loaf Island, Arkansas


Cutting a swath

sunset over greers ferry lake from millers point

sugarloaf mountain from millers point

boat on the lake, leaving a wake

view from millers point

Collins Creek

Collins Creek

Bridal Veil Falls

All That You Can't Leave Behind

Collins Creek

Below the Bridal Veil

Collins Creek

Milky Way Over Sugarloaf Island

Collins Creek

Bridal Veil Falls

Dam Site Recreation Area- Greers Ferry Lake- Cleburne County AR (1)

Collins Creek

Collins Creek

Bridal Veil Falls

Round the bend

Behind the Aqua Curtain

Faith and obedience will remove mountains, mountains of evil, mountains of difficulty. But they must go hand in hand; or perhaps foot in foot.