Caldwell - Hutchinson house - Lowndesville, S.C.

Old farm home - Abbeville, S.C.

Watts Country Store - Abbeville, S.C.

Lake Russell - Abbevile Co., S.C.

Church - Mt. Carmel, S.C.

Abandoned home - Mt. Carmel, S.C.

Mt. Carmel ARP Church - Mt. Carmel, S.C.

Old decaying steel bridge - Mt. Carmel, S.C.

Abandoned home - Mt. Carmel, S.C.

Abstract Me Not

Calhoun Mil Dam

Farm home - Abbeville S.C.

Calhoun Mil Dam

Old Gables Store - Abbeville S.C.

Caldwell - Hutchinson house - Lowndesville, S.C.

Now that Camera+ lets you control the ISO and shutter speed, there's almost no need to carry my camera anymore.

Labor Day at Lake Thurmond-1

Barbed Wire at Calhoun Mill

Mount Carmel Presbyterian

Calhoun Mill Dam-001

Memorial Day @ the lake

Lowndesville Railroad Right of Way-001