Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0293

Sangre de Cristo Mountains: San Luis, Colorado (CO)

Blanca Peak and Crestone Peak groups

Shrine of the Stations of the Cross

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0302

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0299

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0297

Bandhara Views 9-12-2011 : DSCN0298

Culebra Peak Reflection

Storm on the horizon

Blanca Peak Group, Colorado

Sunset over Stations of the Cross

Rattlesnake Trestle, Blanca, Colorado

Shrine of the Stations of the Cross

San Luis Valley Landscape

First Station of the Cross: San Luis, Colorado (CO)

Viejo San Acacio, Colorado (CO)

Culebra Peak closeup from C-159

San Luis Valley (San Luis, Colorado)

San Luis Valley (San Luis, Colorado)

Ventero Creek: San Luis, Colorado (CO)

San Luis Valley (Costilla County, Colorado)

San Luis Valley (San Luis, Colorado)

San Luis Valley Southern Railway Trestle

Plaza de San Luis de la Culebra Historic District

Culebra Creek