Harris's Hawks

Great Kiskadee

Great Kiskadee

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Great Kiskadee

Lesser Goldfinch

Curve-billed Thrasher

Collared Plover

First time to see a Willys Overland, instant obsession. Man, would this thing make a sweet beach vehicle! Seen in Raymondville, TX on 6/7/15.

#photoshopexpress crap! I'm driving into a big storm system

Sunday Motor Cycle Riders at Whataburger #10 Damn Dogie :)

Loggerhead Shrike, adult

Loggerhead Shrike, adult

Fledgling Loggerhead Shrike

Fledgling Loggerhead Shrike

Quick stop before entering the King Ranch #driving #roadtrip #mcdonalds #icedcoffee #icedcaramelmocha

St Anthony, Raymondville

St Anthony, Raymondville

St Anthony, Raymondville

St Anthony, Raymondville

Little Blue Heron and Tricolored Heron

Fulvous Whistling-Duck at Delta Lake

Little Blue Heron

How Texans get around

Texas Theater