Harris's Hawks
Great Kiskadee
Great Kiskadee
20150123_DP_WCLSFri_1096 (1)
Great Kiskadee
Lesser Goldfinch
First time to see a Willys Overland, instant obsession. Man, would this thing make a sweet beach vehicle! Seen in Raymondville, TX on 6/7/15.
Farmers Machines Pano
Old Farmer Tractor
Sunday Motor Cycle Riders at Whataburger #10 Damn Dogie :)
Quick stop before entering the King Ranch #driving #roadtrip #mcdonalds #icedcoffee #icedcaramelmocha
St Anthony, Raymondville
St Anthony, Raymondville
St Anthony, Raymondville
St Anthony, Raymondville
How Texans get around
Texas Theater
to Mexico!
Magic wind power
Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens)
Central Manufacturing Sorghum
Wind Turbines
Wind Turbine
#photoshopexpress crap! I'm driving into a big storm system
withered bean crop